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10 Crafts to do Right Now for This Summer

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Summer is a great time for doing crafts. Summertime is especially great for those crafts that can be done outside. In this blog post I will share with you 10 fun, quick, and easy crafts that are perfect for the summer. And you probably already have most or all of the supplies needed for these crafts. A lot of these make great gifts! 

In This Blog Post:

  1. Rock Painting
  2. Outside Finger Painting
  3. Bubble Art
  4. Paint Pouring
  5. Crepe Paper Flowers
  6. Flower Pressing
  7. Diy Beach Anklet
  8. Paint Your Shirt
  9. Memory Board
  10. DIY Stickers

1. Rock Painting


  • Rock
  • Paint
  • Paint Brush

What to do:

Choose a rock that isn’t overly rough so painting doesn’t get difficult. Then you’ll need to rinse your rock off to remove any dirt. Let fully dry before painting. Next, cover your rock in a base coat of one color. You may want to lay some paper towels out under your rock so you don’t get paint on anything. After the base coat is dry, sketch out your painting or design with pencil. Then paint what you sketched out. Be careful around the edges as the curve of the rock can throw you off. 

For more rock painting dot ideas check out my other tutorial Dot Painting Mandalas.

2. Outside Finger Painting


  • Finger paints
  • Large paper

What to do:

Use some rocks to hold your paper down so no wind blows it away. Look around you and decide what you want to paint. Dip your fingers into the paints and spread the paint onto your paper. Try to recreate what you see using your fingers instead of paint brushes. Please be sure you are using washable finger paints so you don’t stain your skin or driveway. For an added challenge use your feet to paint with or other objects you find outside like leaves!

3. Bubble Art


  • Bubbles
  • Canvas/Paper 
  •  Dye 

What to do:

Mix your bubbles with your dye. Lay out your canvas or paper. Blow the colored bubbles towards the canvas / paper. Try to get the bubbles to land on your canvas. Either let the bubbles dry or pop them then dry.

If you mix the dye with dish soap in a bowl you can gently scoop out clusters of bubbles and set them on the canvas to dry. 

4. Paint Pouring


  • Canvas
  • Pouring Paints

What to do:

This will get messy so you may want to lay out a tarp and use gloves. There are many ways to do paint pouring but I’d like to share one of the best and easiest ones. First I like to start by coating the canvas in a thin base of white to help the other paint move across the canvas smoother. While the base is still wet, fill a cup with layers of paint. Pour the paint from the cup across the canvas. Pick up the canvas and tilt it back and forth to spread the paint to the edges. Let the paint dry fully before moving it.

5. Crepe Paper Flowers


  • Crepe paper / paper strips
  • Scissors
  • Hot Glue

What to do:

Lay out about a yard of your crepe paper in a long line. Cut out petal shapes into the crape paper keeping them connected along the bottom. Line the bottom edge with hot glue and roll the crepe paper to form a coil. Once hot glue has cooled gently pull and tug at the petals to shape it into a flower shape. You can leave it like this or put it on top of a pencil or stick.

6. Flower Pressing



  • Flowers / leaves
  • Book

Wax paper

What to do:

Pick flowers and leaves in the morning and use them right away for best results. Use an old book that is ok to get damaged. 

Lay your wax paper on a page of your book. Gently lay out your flowers so they do not touch each other. Lay another piece of wax paper on top of your flowers and close your book. Set something heavy on the book to press the flowers. Let them be pressed for about four weeks.

7. Diy Beach Anklet


  • String
  • Beads 
  • Scissors 

What to do:

Use a length of the string to measure around your ankle. Cut the string at that length plus two inches to tie it. Take small beads and thread them onto the string. About half way through add a small charm with a different color of bead on each side. Finnish beading the rest. Once you have filled the whole string minus the two inches for tying, wrap it around your ankle and tie it loosely on your ankle. Cut the strings off at about ¼ of an inch.

8. Paint Your Shirt


  •  Shirt
  • Acrylic tole paint
  • Vinegar
  • Spray bottle

What to do:

For these types of crafts always make sure you are being carful not to get a mess or a stain anywhere. Lay your shirt out on a flat surface. Sketch your design onto the shirt with a pencil. Following your sketch paint your pattern with the tole paint. Before the paint dries, take your shirt outside and lay it in the sun. Then use the spray bottle to spray the design with a mixture of vinegar and water. Let fully dry in the sun.

9. Memory Board


  •  Printed photos
  • Wood board
  • Mod podge

What to do:

Print out your favorite memory photos. Cut the images out so they have a small white border around them. Put a small amount of mod podge onto your wood board, then place the cut out photos onto your board. Add any other decorations you want such as ribbon or glitter. Once all the images and decorations are placed, thinly coat the 

Images with mod podge to seal them in. Let it fully dry. 

10. DIY Stickers


  •  Tape 
  • Paper
  • Scissors

What to do:

Draw a design or picture on a piece of paper and cut it out. Lay wax paper over your work space. Then make an area of tape on the wax paper bigger than your drawing. Place your drawing on the area of tape and tape over the top of your drawing. Cut it out leaving a small border around your drawing. When you are ready to use it, peel the wax paper off and place the sticky side of your sticker to whatever you want.

All of these crafts are perfect for summer and they make perfect gifts! Have fun creating art and crafting! 

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