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How to Draw a Mushroom

There are many types of mushrooms and they are all super fun to sketch. And most of them have the same basic shape. So in this tutorial I will be sharing with you how to draw a mushroom using that basic shape. Mushrooms have a great aesthetic for many different styles of art. And they work great for lots of types of art mediums. I have also put some extras and ideas in for inspiration at the end!

I have also added a video if you would rather watch that, and I made a quick step by step too:

Reference Photos: 

The first thing you need when sketching anything is a reference photo. A great place to find free images you can use as reference photos is Unsplash. Or you can just google what you are looking for, but not all of the images on google are free to use, so just be careful not to get in trouble. Lucky for you, you don’t have to search for one, you can just use the images in this tutorial!

Here are some of my favorite mushroom reference photos:

Paper and Pencils:

When sketching it’s best to have paper that is slightly rough. This helps you with shading and creating texture. Another thing to look for in sketching paper is that it is slightly off white. Off-white paper makes it easier to add highlights and have a more finished off and realistic look. I feel it also makes it look more artsy and professional. But any type of paper will work great.

If you are wanting to paint on your mushroom make sure you are using paper that can be painted on.

Step 1:

I start with the stem of the mushroom because it sets the angle of the rest of the sketch. Try for an organic shape that is probably longer than what you would think. Draw a swerve line down then wrap back up following the first line. Try to make the bottom slightly fatter than the top. Remember; mushrooms grow in nature so keep the shape of the stem very organic. 

Step 2:

Sketch an eye shape at the top of your stem. Draw the top line so it looks like it’s resting on the top of your stem. The bottom line should go behind the stem, not in front of it. This is the under part of the mushroom top. This really adds depth to your drawing so make sure it’s the shape and angle you want it. If you need to go back and look at the reference photos to get the shape you are looking for.

Next, create slightly curved lines on an angle that point in towards the top of the stem and fan out downwards. This gives a lot of depth to your drawing.

Step 3:

This is the top part of your mushroom. Draw a dome or rainbow shape at the top of your mushroom. I like to make the bottom lines fluidly connect to the eye shape. I find it hard to get this part right on the first try, so when you draw this for the first time use a pencil and don’t get frustrated if you have to redo it a few times. This part can also add a lot of character to your mushroom and can be fun to try different variations of this line. 

Some mushrooms have oddly shaped tops so look at some and find what you like best!

Step 4:

While not all mushrooms have spots on them, it is a main characteristic of many. You can change the spots to different shapes or not have any at all. If you do want to add spots to yours start by adding a slightly large one towards the center then add some smaller ones in random places on the dome. As finishing touches place spots that don’t fully fit on the mushroom so it has more of a realistic look to it.

Don’t forget to fill in the spots! Or don’t if you just want the ring outlines of the dots.

Finishing Touches:

After all the basics are finished you can add grass, shadows or ground. I like to add shading and blend it all in. Then I redefine the main lines to give hard edges. I also like to sketch texture lines on the stem and the top. On the eye shape part I put little lines for more depth. I draw the ground with the side of my pencil and lightly blend it. To draw the grass just do some loose lines going upwards and starting from a bunch on the ground. Drawing the grass works best if you draw quickly and almost flick your pencil across the paper.

You could also give your mushroom an animal or bug friend! Lots of people like to draw fairies with their mushrooms too. After you have drawn everything you want in your picture you can add some color to it or leave it in black and white.

Mushroom Ideas:

Here are some ideas and inspiration as to what to draw with your beautiful mushroom:

  • With a frog
  • Dragonfly 
  • Ladybug 
  • Crazy colors
  • All pastels
  • Wet mushroom
  • Just the shadow
  • Growing off the side of a tree
  • Growing on a mossy rock
  • Has moss on it
  • In a swamp
  • Has slime on it
  • Lots of mini ones
  • Give it a smiley face
  • Growing on a fallen log
  • Somewhere it shouldn’t be (like in a shoe)
  • Make it a fairy home
  • Raining on it
  • Draw it all in one color (like only use yellows)
  • Flowers around it

You can also use your sketch as an outline to paint on!

If you want to know the best way to watercolor paint your mushroom, read my tutorial on the basics of watercolor.

Thank you so much for reading!

I hope you had fun drawing your mushroom.this basic shape has a lot of potential so explore what you can draw with your mushroom. 

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You can also share your mushroom with me there too!

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